A Prophetic Teacher once said, "If you dont go away from this with something of worth which you want to outwork into your life, or you hear what i am saying and there is no beneficial life application - Its Not Teaching". GAZ.DRUM@NTLWORLD.COM - LETS TALK This blog is dedicated to truths or views which lend themselves to LIFE APPLICATION when the walls of church are no longer there to '''KEEP US SAFE AND SEPARATE TILL HEAVEN'''.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

See Prodigals "comments"

Good stuff going in in the prodigals comments section - good chats - been writing a lot there and not here in response to stuff.


Blogger al bino said...

That Word on Boxes best copied into word and printed for a good read.

The guys name is Larry Randolph and it was recorded in April 2005 in Redding, California.


King David consulted with all his officials, including the generals and captains of the army. Then he addressed the entire assembly of Israel as follows: "If you approve and if it is the will of the Lord our God, let us send messages to all the Israelites throughout the land... Let us invited them to come and join us. It is time to bring back the Ark of our God, for we neglected it during the reign of Saul.

Everyone present agreed with this, for they could see that it was the right thing to do. So David summoned all the people of Israel, from one end of the country to the other, to join in bringing the Ark of God from Kiriath-jearim... the Ark of God... bears the name of the Lord who is enthroned between the cherubim. They transported the Ark of God from the house of Abinadab on a new cart, with Uzzah and Ahio guiding it. David and all of Israel were celebrating before God with all their might, singing and playing all kinds of musical instruments.

But when they arrived at the threshing floor of Nacon, the oxen stumbled, and Uzzah put out his hand to steady the Ark. Then the Lord's anger blazed out against Uzzah, and he struck him because he had laid his hand on the Ark. So Uzzah died there in the presence of God. David was angry because the Lord's anger had blazed out against Uzzah. ((1 Chronicles 13: 1-11))

The Ark was a prized possession to Israel because God was on it -- it was where God rested. David, seeing that it was gone from Israel, had the heart to bring the presence of God back to the church because he knew the Ark represented the presence of the Lord.

So the Ark is on the cart, the ox stumbles, God kills Uzzah.

It seems like a very tragic story... but is it tragic because Uzzah was killed trying to keep the Ark of God from falling and was struck down by God for it? Or is it tragic because we don't understand what was going on there?

Disclaimer: Please give me some grace to say some things that I may not be able to clearly undergird theologically - but just let me think out loud and share what he thinks it could be - what it seems God was speaking to him through this story that is pertinent to us now.

I don't think the Ark was ever the perfect will of God. It was a concession on God's part, who in one sense had been rejected by His people. I believe this is true because in Genesis God didn't present himself to Adam & Eve symbolically in an Ark, but we see that God's desire has always been to relate to human beings in a personal way - He came in the cool of the day and he walked with them (Genesis 3:8). There is intimacy there. Then they fell into sin and rejected the word of the Lord and therefore rejected God and all that he was.

(Once rejected.)

Centuries later God moves on the church again in the form of Israel. Moses has an encounter with God. Moses comes from the mountain and says, "God wants to be your God and he wants to talk to you and walk with you again in the cool of the day". The church met together and comes to Moses and says, "We don't really want to do this - that's too be a deal to us - would you tell God that we don't want that much of an intimate relationship with Him. What we want you to do is to be our mediator and you talk to God and we'll talk to you about God." The first foundations of religious institution are being created right there. It's the second time God in His advances of intimacy and relationship with humanity is rejected. I believe that God was probably angered here and said, "Okay, here's the deal. They don't want to be intimate with me on that level? Okay, then here's what I want you to do: Build a tabernacle and make it thick with ram and sheep hydes so that no light can penetrate it. Make three curtains in there and behind that third curtain, way back in the back where light can never come in to the darkness, I want you to put a box that we'll call an Ark that is a representation of my mercy and I'm going to go in there and disconnect myself from the human race in one sense, and I'm going to hide in the darkest dark of this tabernacle and one of them can come once a year on behalf of the rest of them -- and if he doesn't have his ducks in a row I'm going to kill him before he gets out of the place."

I don't know how long God was in this Ark, or box, but it's pretty dumb to think that God would want to live in a box in the back of a rawhide tent in the total darkness to talk with one guy once a year who has the guts to come and talk with him. Why? Because God has always been an out of the box God. Look at his creation - his universe - it's evident! He has never intended to be in a box or unapproachable.

Parallel to where we're at today... a lot of the s that we have and the ways that we relate to God are old s and concessions. We hear that and sometimes defend where we are and the way we do things saying, "Oh, they're the word of the Lord!" Yes! God gave us that - but He only gave us that and told us this or that because we couldn't handle the more perfect way. A lot of the things about the way we worship and consider the apex of our Christian experience is nothing more than concession on God's part because we couldn't deal having to know Him at a deeper level. Out of rejection He has given us his second, third, fourth best and we think we're on top of the heap. And we will defend these s when really God's perfect will is bigger and much above that and He wants us to transition out of that.

So here is David - a transitional man, a new era for Israel, a transitional man of the people of God, the church. He's called to transition but he wants to transition with the same s that used to work. He doesn't know better... and I suspect that we're trying to face the next transition and revival with the old s that worked for us in the 70's, 80's and 90's and we don't know how to make the transition to let God take us into new s and new language for what we need for what God wants to bring us.

We're not realizing that yesterday's glory and have become idols to us today and it's actually concession on God's part and we're serving in an acceptable will of God and not the perfect will of God. The tragedy is that God will leave us in that deception and we will live and die in the glory of a minor revival or sub-level revival thinking that we have seen the ultimate power of God, when in fact, God has hidden the ultimate from us because we've not been mature enough to embrace what God really wanted to do with us from the beginning which is to walk and talk with us and be intimate with us in the cool of the day and be face to face, nose to nose, mouth to mouth, eye to eye!!

We're a Davidic generation. We're a transitional generation who are coming from one dispensation and era of Christianity to another -- we're on unchartered ground. We're out here in the space where no man has ever gone before and you can't drag the old stuff out there with you! You've got to keep the Word, the doctrine and principles of the Word, but you know what I'm talking about. What worked for you yesterday will kill you today! What worked for you yesterday will work against you tomorrow because God is a God of transition, of expansion, of change, of progressive knowledge that is revealed to us... but we get stuck in concessions and sub-level glories.

David was trying to work with old s. He didn't realize that new meant new boxes or NO boxes so he is bringing this Ark in and God has been in the box long enough. God wanted to break out of the box of the church and God wanted to fall off of the wagon.

In this scenario a couple of things were wrong: God was being brought into the church on the cart (something made by man's hands) - into an institution instead of a relationship. 2nd - dumb and dumber are driving the cart thinking that they could lead God somewhere when, in fact, God is to lead man and here they are leading God. How much of what we have done is not God leading us into new places, but us leading God back to old places?

To think that you can take God where you want to take God when God doesn't want to go there. So, Uzzah & Ahio are driving God, and there was a committee obviously. David formed one. "Hey, God isn't here so let's go get God!" Poor guys. Uzzah & Ahio were appointed to go and get God and take him to where the people wanted to take Him - that's pretty bold! Kind of like the sons of Eli in 2 Chronicles. Remember when they lost the Ark? It was during a war. After 50,000 of them had died someone says, "Hey, I know our problem - we forgot to bring God. Somebody go and get God." So the elders elected two guys to go and get God, but it was too late. When you've got to go get God to come into something you've already endeavoured, it's too late if you didn't start with Him.

So Uzzah & Ahio are driving Him back. God wanted out of the box. I really do believe that god wants out of the box. I really do believe that God wants out of the box. We have limited and constrained the power of God because we're trying to transition into the new with what we know from the old. We're trying to define God and deliniate what it means for God to move among us... we have all of these preconceived ideas. It's about as dumb as getting your wife pregnant and dictating what the of the baby is going to be, what it's going to look like, the eye and hair colour - you don't preconceive things that are being born - you wait to see what they dictate to you what they're going to be. But not in religion! We preconceive and dictate to the Holy Spirit what the next move of God is going to look like. We write books and preach sermons about it. We know everything - how to have church and Sunday School and conferences - we know everything but God.

What have we got? God in a box. When it comes time for 'revival' we're letting him out -- until 10:00 p.m. We want revival, but we want it within our time constraints.

So, they've got God in a box and the oxen stumbled. The oxen stumbled. When it did Uzzah freaks and thinks "God is in trouble!" and he puts his hand out to hold God and God nails him. Uzzah's and David goes, "Ahh! What?!" and David is mad. And they're in trouble... revival is going really badly for them. It's not going as they'd predicted... they had the instruments and the dancers and the procession. They were going to bring God in but God didn't want to play like that anymore. He wanted out of the box and didn't want to be taken to a place He'd just run off from - their tabernacle. Their church. Can you imagine being the God of the universe and setting through your church service?

Now, what I'm about to say is just my belief, but here is what I am thinking. The oxen stumbled. Stumbled out of divine providence. God is in control of the oxen and creation. When the ox stumbled the Ark would have falled off of the wagon and God would have gotten out right there. Can you imagine the difference in this story if that had happened? But there would have been chaos! Confusion! It would've been out of control if that had happened. But we want revival at any cost, right??

God wanted to hit the ground and express himself in a new and creative way. Here is what I know:


So Uzzah was the guardian of revival and guardian of the integrity of God. He is educated and of the line of thinking which says, "We don't want God to embarass Himself!" He is defending the integrity and character of God. He has the "I've got to help God" attitude.

You've never been called to defend God's integrity. You've just been called to have it. He can deal with defending His own integrity.

Uzzah was trying to put God in His place. Too much of theology is trying to put God in His place. I understand that we have to hold to Old Testament/New Testament doctrine, The s and language an change because God is the God of the generations and cultures and when cultures change you have to adapt - not compromise the Gospel - but adapt the that you use to present the Gospel to the generation that isn't dealing with your . Paul said, "I have become all things to all men in order that I might win a few of them." Paul understood this.

This is what God said to me:

The sin of Uzzah is rising in the Church. I'm about to do something incredible and the oxen are shaking and Uzzah is getting up to correct the move of God again. What we got away with, with a little rebuke, is going to kill us in this move of God. We put our hands to what God is about to do because we don't understand that God is wanting to do something new. We sing about it, we preach about it, but we don't really want that to happen because something new means something we don't control. So when Uzzah put his hands to that he was in control of what God was doing. That sin is going to take out a lot of ministries in this country (USA) and they're not even going to know why they've died. The church will never realize it, except that they've put their hand on God and are trying to hold back God and what He has wanted to do for thousands of generations under the guise of guardianship of the things of God.

In my opinion, when Uzzah put his hand to the ark and stayed the Ark he set back the move of God for centuries. I personally cannot afford to be a part of that, nor do I want to be a part of that. I so hunger for God and revival that I am willing for it to happen somewhere else than right around me and in another besides what I am used to and something that I can't control or have anything to do with. I am actually nearly getting open to that idea!

This next move of God is going to be way beyond what we have seen. I don't mean we won't teach the Word, but I am saying that God is falling out of the place of convenience that we have had him in. It's going to be different and incredible. Here is what I want to challenge you with: whatever you think it's going to be -- it's not!! If you guess it, God will change it because He wants to do something so fresh. It will have all the earmarks of the other stuff - prophecy, signs and wonders, teaching, miracles, but be so creative and different that all this other stuff that we think are the apex of revival are really just the outcome of revival where God is doing something creative - the will just be the everyday stuff that flows out of it... byproducts. The emphasis will be on whatever God wants it to be on in reaching this generation, but God is not about to have a "prophetic" revival or a "teaching" or "pastoral" revival -- He wants a Holy Spirit revival.

Take Mary, for instance. What fell upon Mary was not prophetic or the pastoral - it was the Holy Spirit that overshadowed her and the thing that was conceived in her was likened to the Son of God and found its own high water mark as it developed it inot what God intended the DNA to be and it became like God...

...so the oxen are stumbling.

Centuries, centuries, centuries.... NOTHING.

Centuries later the Ark and the oxen are once again in the same place in Matthew and once again God is trying to get out of the traditions of men. As the oxen stumbled in that cave and that little infant lie there, to me it was a statement. Here is a greater statement:

Matthew 28:1 - "Now after the sabath it began to dawn toward the first day of the week Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to look at the grave and behold the oxen stumbled -- I mean -- a severe earthquake had occurred. For the angel of the Lord decended from heaven and came and rolled away the stone and sat on it and his appearance was like lighting and he said, 'He is not here. For he is out of the box'-- I mean -- 'He is risen just as He said! Come and see the place where He was."

Jesus finally got out of the box in Matthew.

He came out of the tomb. Out of the box. The place where religious heirarchy put Him because they didn't understand the package He came in. The oxen stumbled that day the earth shook and there was no Uzzah to hold Him back. He came out in the power of His Father to revolutionize a Church that He bought with His .

When the shaking comees from the oxen stumbling, we may misinterpret it as judgment or unimportant, but I believe it is the beginning of God coming out of the box and a great awakening that is about to come to this nation. He says: "Behold, I am risen and I'm not in the grave anymore."

I honestly believe that we are that generation to accomodate the most incredible, creative, out of the box move of the Spirit in recorded history. I believe we're standing at the very edge of this transition... that in a matter of months, or maybe one to two years, we're going to walk in to a whole new dimension as a Church of what God has called this nation to. It's going to be so creatively different that we are going to lose some in the transition, but those that hang on through this transition are going to experience one of the greatest phenomenons in recorded history and that is God out of the tomb, out of the box, full grown, kicking rear ends, doing miracles, changing cities, turning nations upside down, kings and princes being drawn to the Church, the Church established as a light up on the hill, the resources of the nations coming to the Church, God establishing His kingdom, the kingdom of God finding its place on the earth.

I believe that is the inheritance of this generation and the generation under us and I am incredibly excited to live in such a time as this and I refuse to run behind an old ox cart trying to keep a box on it because that is how it has always been. If it needs be that box can fall on me, as a matter of fact, Jesus said if you don't let it fall on you - if you don't fall on it - it will fall on you. I'm ready to get out of the box and experience God in a fresh way.

Every revival that has ever come has always been different than what every person has preconceived no matter what you prayed. It will always surprise you. God is always surprising us. This next one is going to be a surprise. The way it comes will be a surprise. All our preconceived ideas are going to go out the window!

I am ready. Maybe because I'm bored - but I am just ready.

7:08 pm

Blogger Sarah said...

Excellent (and very serious) word! I've always appreciated Larry Randolph, and it's so nice to hear some well-known prophetic voices in America talking about this.

2:00 am

Blogger Shepherd Michael said...

Gaz, have you been to redding? Man o man, if you were then you was real close to my neck o' the woods.
Larry Randolph is one cool guy. He's got a way with words that really help you get things in perspective.
Recently, speaking upon destiny, Larry said . . .
“When God predetermined our destiny, He factored in our stupidity. Therefore there's always enough time to finish”.
It's comforting to know that Papa God has factored in our clumsyness and schmuckieness in all of this. Amazing Grace, indeed!
I am glad that you posted this, as I read it I see a lot of the word "transition" used. Which confirms to me a prophetic word I heard last year about us coming upon a season of transition. And so have I seen it unfold before my very eyes these last months. And transitions it shall continue to be. The fact that Papa God wants us to co-labor with Him, to be in partnership is humbling, inspiring, mind-boggling and definetly scary (in a good way).
Renewal~Revival~Restoration~Reformation . . . Lord, let it begin with me.

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