WHAT Is Emerging Anyway
I keep getting final year bible students wanting to do disserations on Emerging Church. Hopefully its because of how i am living and not that i look like a hippy new ager and by default a good candidate for non conformity.
The first thing i have to get over (before the ensuing onslaught of new community questions tackles me to the ground and rubs my face in the mud) is that The Whole Church is Emerging, If it has ears to hear what God is asking of it in this season..................... flipping long season.
For instance, some emerging issues of the church re emerging are in relation to: Where is the rising Generation? What Happened to the last one (which worked its way to the back of your church and deeper into the pigeon holes of 'lost sheep and prodigal sons')? What happened to Gender Marginalisation (women second class) And all those other Whats. Oh, and Extending kingdom in work place - you know the one, the one where the construct values you on the basis that you can do PA, and is very grateful that your successful business tithe in part salaries the new kids worker. Catch My Drift?
So - EMERGING CHURCH ISSSSSSSSS NOTTTTT about another group of people leaving the inherited church in the hope of finding fuller life and purpose (although thats one aspect of whats happening)..Its about whatever God is asking of you and your guys next, on the road to transformation and re engaging - yes re engaging with life and the works spheres. It may be something measured, it may be and exploration of partnering with other tribes in your city so we dont duplicate works and waste resources. It may be that you realise that Cell 'wasnt it' as the publicity more than implied, but was a wake up call on our walk back into meaningful LIFE LAYING DOWN RELATIONSHIPS - ........ aha, just about the time that you realise you have to totally deconstruct...What? . . . the CONSTRUCT, because every step you take towards re engaging with life SMELLS OF AND IS LIMITED BY CONSTRUCT THINKING and you need to detox to be of much use at all.
He breathes out!