A Prophetic Teacher once said, "If you dont go away from this with something of worth which you want to outwork into your life, or you hear what i am saying and there is no beneficial life application - Its Not Teaching". GAZ.DRUM@NTLWORLD.COM - LETS TALK This blog is dedicated to truths or views which lend themselves to LIFE APPLICATION when the walls of church are no longer there to '''KEEP US SAFE AND SEPARATE TILL HEAVEN'''.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


You know what - as much as i would like to blog today - i dont really have anything to say. I had a quick look at some of the FAT stuff ive been ranting for Jesus about over the months - and i realise that ive probably got enough 'thoughts' to bed down and extrete through my system - hopefully extracting all the relevant bodily essential minerals along the way. I get like that sometimes - i like hearing new stuff - sensing new stuff, but were not talking about art here, its not new colours or shades, almost all of this stuff requires personal reforming otherwise its just more information to nod and glance at. So...at this moment in time..... im trying to fully embody stuff. Hey Ho - till the next time.
Hey if your a Brit - can you text the words VOTE BOURNEMOUTH to 81444 as my luvverly daughter Holly is in the miss england finals and a text vote counts as one judge. B4 Sept 2nd please. Will be televised in Nov ahead of miss world. Fun Eh - im going to Miss England in Liverpool in a few days - crazy, didnt see that one coming.
G Unit Out

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Empire In Goal

I wonder....If your doing new stuff, what it is you measure yourself...(inner self and your life lived out) by?
And b4 i even get into what i mean - God reminds me of a meeting of town leaders, where everyone does the obligatory "hi im Jon, and im from St Bilbo's" like its actually a living place or entirely separate geography. Anyways... as i dont have a 'thing' by which i can be identified and pigeon holed, i was foolish enough to say " hi - im gaz and im trying something new" to which there were titters of laughter and the comment, 'well of course... were all doing something new garry'...if only that were true. AND why do people of previous generation call you by your full name when they are being condecending?

So - back to my point....OH i do love a rant!!!

Yeah - what do you measure yourself, inner self and spiritual well being /practices by? Is it in proximity to something, a place, a person, a container with the name church? possibly, but what if your done with all that stuff...what are you measuring yourself by? Or even worse - what /who are you looking over your shoulder at.
I only ask as ive been processing it with some guys recently, just how much 'empire' is still our measuring rod in our new journeys. I still find people measuring their worth or success through their proximity to senior pastors in town, still wanting the credentials of a group with a name through which to be references as safe or valid (part of the evangelical alliance / charismatic leaders net - something at the bottom of our letters). Its funny, and sad that i keep finding people in new landscape who's success story is relative to how close they are to 'key' people, 'leaders' of construct, or connection to leaders of 'big' established churches. I dont mean who are you in proximity to - hopefully lots of diverse people and setting, i mean who are you measuring your whole self up against. Whos dissaproval or criticism or cold shoulder would cut you most in church stuff? Why? What do they have on you or over you? Is it something you are yet to be free of - something which has come with you?
Its not a biggy - i just wondered what people measure their worth and progress in proximity to in a earthly sense? I wonder if there is still empire stuff woven into it? Perhaps you measure your worth by your distance from something - thats a whole other can of worms.

Thursday, August 04, 2005


So - this guy says, (stop me if ive said this already)
"i was in africa, and was at a dinner table sat next to this guy who had been risen from the dead. The dude was totally out there for God, had raised several others from the dead and had such a radical lifestyle. I couldnt help sitting there feeling inadequate and wishing that i had been through a death experience too.......................... but then i paused, and thought... isnt that what we are all meant to have been through, when we died to self to be alive in Christ? And should it effect our living in the same way??""

So - nice story, but it brings me to this qoute:
a quote from Max Planck: "a new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it."

Is it possible, that we could see, by the grace of God, and the willingness of a generation to die while still alive, that we need not wait for those resisters of new paradigms of God to literally die before things can be born? Does it really have to boil down to that? Is the Wilderness paradigm how its meant to be - that a generation has to die b4 we are ready to come into our promised land together?
Strong provoking thoughts arent they.
Its really very very sad, but also hopeful in a sick kind of way. You see, i cope with the transition and processing within church - filled as i am - with a knowledge that we are turning the tide, that over many generations to come a reversal might begin to occur. But actually, that has more to do with my coping mechanisms than what God is able to do, heck, what nature is even able to do - it IS possible for things to turn in a generation.
