A Prophetic Teacher once said, "If you dont go away from this with something of worth which you want to outwork into your life, or you hear what i am saying and there is no beneficial life application - Its Not Teaching". GAZ.DRUM@NTLWORLD.COM - LETS TALK This blog is dedicated to truths or views which lend themselves to LIFE APPLICATION when the walls of church are no longer there to '''KEEP US SAFE AND SEPARATE TILL HEAVEN'''.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Happy Leaders Net Does Not A Unity Make

SO, i was away recently and this guy was saying how awesome it was in his city that all these leaders were getting together regularly to pray - every single week, 30 -40 congregation leaders who were in relationship.
A guy asked him "wow - that sounds really great - WHAT ARE YOU GUYS LOOKING TO DO?"

'DO???' he said, 'DO, Were not looking to do anything - doing something would damage the relationships weve formed !!!!!

"What Kind Of Relationships Are Those For Gods' Sake???????"

I have to say - ive been in very similar settings.................... where the idea of relationships becomes the Ideology. I also appreciate that we want relationship to be about more than task - but we do have a task - in gathering around jesus - there IS going to be a task - there IS a task already.
A friend once said you have to have Love and Truth combined...............otherwise you can love someone to .

Can you IMAGINE if the disciples were praying for the 14th consecutive week and nothing else, because they were celebrationg the victory of WE WANT TO BE TOGEEEETHER. Man oh Man - that would have seen the kingdom come wouldnt it.........NOT!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

a nibble from a comment

When we have pushed up against something in resistance - and it begins to move (if only in our heads) - we will either fall down - or step into the space.

theres a lot of meat in that tiny sentence.


i think it was that brian fella that folks are reading who said:

We need to become the revolution we are desiring to see

man - you could spend all week pondering the outworkings of those two babies!!