Dang - Been A While
Gosh - its been weeks since i last blogged, must have found some people i can touch with my skin who listen to my rants. Sorry ive been away so long. Been having a few weeks off, if you can do such a thing - went to portugal, which i will remember for winter sun, dog pooh everywhere and as many dealers as police, usually in the same place at the same time. "Would you like some sunglasses sir, or what about this large lump of hash", makes a change, usually people come up to me thinking i sell it.
Mostly ive been re inventing myself or rediscovering myself, been going to gigs a lot and have been asked to have a pastoral role to a great band called the plymouths - really cutting it up big stylee. see www.myspace.com/theplymouths ............ yes so that been great, it has much appeased my inner 25 year old who is not overly excited about this - his 40th year. Really great to be out at night be a little jesus dude around guys called and circus of .
Why this is good !!!!!!!!!
Been meeting some folks who are setting up a surf label which reflects their God centred values. Fair trade, quality garments and awesome imagery. Tess, one of the pair working on them does the art. One design has a christ on a cross shaped surfer, very majestic, but holding up a broken surf board. She wanted to show that this is a guy who has gone to the edge for his sport, a guy who has grabbed whats in his belly and touched something deeply primal. She says that she wants it to reflect energy, primal emotions........... where people are drawn towards creation and as such, in that moment, touch something special and raw about the creator - God.
Wow.....something Primal............. something Human...........Something Created.
Im having this sabbatical, and dispite attempts for do something obviously christian, i have sat in town squares in foreign countries with a friend talking total and wonderful rubbish, i have gone to gigs and been loud and laid in bed afterwards with my ears ringing at possible irrepairable damage. I have read a psychology book on understanding dreams and nightmares and another non christian but faith filled book about how a handful of the right people at the right time in the right place can be instrumental in a social epidemic on a huge scale.......... As such, in this moment, after many years of pursuing how to be a better chrisian, i am instead pursuing how to be a better human, to touch something of the raw creation in me (within redemptions boundaries) and as such, am finding something very fresh, very ALIVE making about the creator.
I wonder, and i know im splitting hairs here, but can we become a better christian without becoming more fully human?? Perhaps an over emphasis on the former does not, as one would hope, lead us to the latter like we are told it should. I know some people out there have become something other than human, something unreal, something sudospiritual in their search for life but have found something unlife instead.
Church........ I am still enjoing being church immensely, learning all the time what it means (as they say in moulon rouge) to be loved and to love in return, to love and be loved in return something like that.
Oh - got a chapter in a mates book - hoorah! a mans book about mans things which wives cant look at, although im very pleased to have ran the chapter on my single exploits and getting my head straight, past the wife first - phew - just the other readers ive to worry about now ! gulp
Oh - on another sad note - my wife has admitted that my long goatee and long hair makes me look like a bit of a muppet! She didnt mean that as a term of fun loving bright cuddly indearment. Dang! Spent the afternoon watching bikers builind choppers on sky tv - some old guy with long hair and a beard..................... my wife came in and said.......... Hey, dont get any funny ideas................. 'What - Me?'