A Prophetic Teacher once said, "If you dont go away from this with something of worth which you want to outwork into your life, or you hear what i am saying and there is no beneficial life application - Its Not Teaching". GAZ.DRUM@NTLWORLD.COM - LETS TALK This blog is dedicated to truths or views which lend themselves to LIFE APPLICATION when the walls of church are no longer there to '''KEEP US SAFE AND SEPARATE TILL HEAVEN'''.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

been a while

Thats me - when i was young enough to have dreams, like going into space or being a stuntman. I didnt become either, but it held me in good stead to know i could have a dream and pursue it. I managed to get lots of bruises trying, and once i tried an excercise in faith - i flicked through a world map with a pencil and a blindfold and said = where i place this pencil God, i am willing to go. Really shouldnt have done it in front of my family cause id put the pencil on the moon !!!! I think part of me has been there ever since.

The Church Should Inhabit No Separate Sphere, But Inhabit All Spheres - Henry Drummond - Scotland.

Not new news, but always worth picking up on anything which highlights the uselessness of church as an independant sphere in society, instead of being functionally present in all spheres.

You Spin Me Right Round Baby Right Round Like A Record Baby Right Round Round Round (dead or alive) Concentic Circles of Church as weve known it.

Ohhhhhh so very bored now, bored of seeing more people's dreams rejected by the construct or at times worse, they are embraced and the individual becomes COMMODIFIED as the construct says this is now a vision of the church, dispite frequently having little to do with it once it gets the title 'church'.

One guy i met had approached a church leader to see if they had any people looking to connect cross denominationally to partner in a work amidst un churched youth. The pastor said, "no - we dont have anyone like that", my friend asked Are You Sure? "Yes totally sure - our church's vision is for 6 distinct things and this is not one of them, God will not have given us people who's vision is not one of these"......... All Puke Now!! Its even worse when you know that church does have someone with such a dream but they would never voice it because of something like this.

We had to save the world once - With Only 2 Weeks To Do It...Really !!!
I was at a conference for youth church and we got teamed up with ywamers and lots of mission practitioners who should know better.
We are told we are in a town and have two weeks to win everyone for christ before the end of the world. How were we going to do it????
Well, the group decided we NEED A COMMON VISION SO WE CAN BE OF ONE HEART AND MIND.............what a Crock !!! So, we indeed laid everything down, and wrestled to find a singular strategy. I tried to point out that we had doctors, dentists, tradesmen, shop owners, kids workers etc etc, who had located themselves for mission and to be christ, and you now want to pull them out of there to focus on a singular centred vision. How useful!!!

Really bored with this stuff at the moment........just goes round and round and round, there seem to be so few people who feel able to give themselves to what God has prepared for them, because they are valued for doing something other than this. Worse still, many churches i know now consider themselves to have DONE the workplace thing, because they have done a sermon on it and embraced some new corporate language about how community is expressed and where church lives, but have dont nothing structurally or operationally to allow any transition. What kind of process is that i wonder?

But i continue in faith, for the ones and the twos who will hopefully begin a critical mass situation and take this further than i ever could.


Blogger Unknown said...

I think a lot about this in my own context and in our growing life as a local community of gathered believers. I hear a lot of it in conversation as people struggle to look at mission before church. For me it seems all natural, I simply live out dreams and seek to be a catalyst for others.

Together we make stories worth reading instead of talking about other peoples stories. As we create a local art gallery, coffee bar and acoustic cafe and allow the spiritual community's life to flow in and out of the life of this city, we see kingdom coming.

But all of this isn't for ministry first, it's for art. I love art, music and coffee, which translated simply means contexts to engage people, ideas and conversation, to enjoy and be enjoyed together or individually without pretext or expectation. It's pure charity...a gift, to be received or rejected but freely given.

I find life in that...nothing complex or complicated, just sharing life by being life.

12:00 am

Blogger al bino said...

amen and amen.
'i find life in that....nothing complex or complicated, just sharing life by being life'

Well - that pretty much sets the gospel in a context doesnt it. As james thwaites post construct author extraordinaire says ' this stuff is meant to work and we shouldnt feel bad when things begin to feel natural, when things move with a degree of unconstraint' He refers much of this stuff to needing to revisit scripture from a hebrew worldview, where church is not separated off from life. As WE begin to re engage with WHERE GOD ALWAYS WAS - we begin to find a greater discovery of who we are.
RAY CHARLES SAYS: the keys are right beneath your fingers - we just need to learn to play the music!

When we have pushed up against something in resistance - and it begins to move (if only in our heads) - we will either fall down - or step into the space.

11:06 am

Blogger Michael McMullen said...

Hmm...don't quite recognize you without the hat.

2:48 am


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