Carbon Footprint
Hi, im at a get together with some folks who are standing in new ways (sounds like a human art instalation doesnt it) and we are looking at power. The phrase carbon footprint may be a familiar one, its how we measure the negative impact we are making with emissions and other stuff on our towns cities and nations.
It was used to day to reference power, and how are we going to use perhaps unavoidable power in function to leave a light an imprint as possible on people. For example, in our contact with people in being used of God for their benefit, how do we give them what they need without taking a position that benefits us, keeps them stuck in a permissive or un empowered place etc.
Really good stuff in chats - Wondered what you thought?
We have so far looked at how it is our desire to use any places of influence God has given us in a redemptive manner, which needs to recognise the current landscape and that we do not have a blank canvas to start from. Whats is out there is people in positions of powere that lord it over, there are people who are used to submitting unhelpfullyinto power, there are people who do now know they have power and choice etc. In recognising this it was felt that it just isnt helpful to say, OK so we used to lead top down, go get a vision from God with our 'team' whoa re already bought in them come to you and sell it to you convincingly....................... to suddenly saying, Hi - we are the same you and i, our vision is as diverse as your vision, how can i help you come to the fulness of who you are and not the fulness of who i am??????
It was fetl that to even begin to utilise influecne God has given us, that we need to deal with peoples projecting onto us and pre disposition to see us a re inforcing the old. We are in transition folks, if we werent, this group im with wouldnt even be having the conversation.
One comment was how Counsellor/Client relationships have a positive thing in place called Contractual Relationship, in this we say what the relationship is about and what it isnt, deal with any possible wrong expectations for us to continue safely and begin to build trust for the benefit OF THE OTHER quickly. Now obviously, thats too rigid and woudl be wierd in the course of life encounters. BUT in reality it is the nature of how many are communicating in the necessary period of transition. People are FACILITATING meeting and vision, they are coming alongside peoples visions and not gathering aroudn theirs, they are saying things like : what would you like to do with this time, how can i best serve you, how can WE best function together, Im not saying this with any presumption that i am right etc etc etc............. people are saying 'what they are not, and put a framework of woprds and phrases in places to de centralise themselves and equalise any contributions they might make. In reality, you cannot give people power which was their and the only thing you can do is get out of their way........... but if we have stood in the way of people findign their feet and finding healthy interdependance - we may need to help folks in the adjustment having given ourselves to somethign else for so long.
your thoughts?????? - sorry - using a public pc so not time to check spelling and cohesiveness - read in between the lines.