A Prophetic Teacher once said, "If you dont go away from this with something of worth which you want to outwork into your life, or you hear what i am saying and there is no beneficial life application - Its Not Teaching". GAZ.DRUM@NTLWORLD.COM - LETS TALK This blog is dedicated to truths or views which lend themselves to LIFE APPLICATION when the walls of church are no longer there to '''KEEP US SAFE AND SEPARATE TILL HEAVEN'''.

Friday, July 13, 2007


Gods Will Is A Tightrope? Gods Will Is a Field To Explore? No Boxes! That dude God killed for stopping the arc where God 'was' from falling and breaking...... ever wondered if he'd meant it to fall and for God to get out of the box.....???? ever wondered what he will do when we want to keep him in the box again thinking its the best thing to do still???

DANG - Its been a while, been head down arse up for a good while, lots to do, little to say.
Had a great guy pass through town to hang out and... a little like an episode of Sesame Street - The Days Words Were: Disruption - Acted Upon - Sub Cognitive

Man, if you can spend a day with someone and come away with one word you can hang your hat on, thats a good day, but three............ well theres some meat to chew on for the next month!!
Jesus was a Disruptor, he broke into things, peoples timeframes, peoples paradigms, peoples sacred cows, peoples finances, peoples leadership ideas, peoples journeys as God people and a whole bunch of disruption with the lost and broken.
Sadly, as westerners who like to build straight church walls with squared off stones (which you cant do with living stones), we and our great ideas about shaping people towards percieved outcomes................ can GREATLY LIMIT JESUS ABILITY TO DISRUPT, bring disruption into the patterns of life and thinking that will inform and ultimately shape us into his likeness - into fullness.
THATS DISRUPTION - the next bit is about giving God opportunity for disruption.

Some of our missiological thinking, our gung ho in Christ 'go change the world' (though we often dont act on it) thinking, means that we are the ACTORS upon others, our environments, our plans and life patterns.
My friend spoke of new disciplines which made me twitch and think, ' oh right - here we go, heres the oldskool rot sneaking in'. What he meant by disciplines was actually disrupting our own patterns to greatly increase the opportunity to be ACTED UPON, by God, through others, the found and lost alike, through creation, our environment etc.
Our ordered patterned lives and inherited church thinking often means order, it rarely puts us in a place of dis 'order' so it greatly limits the opportunity for the unplanned and the unexpected.
Park further from work. Heck, use public transport to be around others longer. You could even walk, walk a different route. This could help us walk more closely with Jesus the disruptor, allow ourselves to not be the ACTORS but to be ACTED UPON...... and i would imagine greatly increase our 'encounters and stories' which are shaping and informing us of who God is, who we are and our place in humanity.

Western traits again.....................
We are often shaped in a very Cognitive way................. people feel the best thing they can do is create contexts and methods where they can speak to our minds to determine our actions. In counselling speak this is called cognitive behavioural therapy............ 'lets sit you down, change the way you think, and you will act and live differently'etc. This is for the larger part how we learn in christendom..
SUB CONGNITIVE sits very well with DISRUPTION and ACTED UPON thinking, in that it gives much more over to GOD who actually builds HIS church..... 'thats us, you and me if youve forgotten (not a structure or place)' .... to shape and inform us inline with his will and purposes..
Question: Do we believe that God will do this?

Sub cognitive means much less HEAD instruction to accomplish percieved and desired outcomes in straight lines. Sub Congnitive means that God intervenes into our thinking and informs our living through encounters with others and our environments.
Not sure if im unpacking it there.................. but basically the question is: Can God get you to where you need to be just as effectively without the directive, controlled, measured, westernised processes that have been adopted as primary tools in religion?

I will leave you with that.
SubCognitive revelation of God and self which shapes us and achieved through new disciplines which break learned limiting patterns and lifestyle rituals ....better enabling Jesus to engage with us as Disruptor and for us to become more like him and enriched by being ACTED UPON.

Ding Dong