Ive written this before but not here, but felt it goes well with some of the 'being more human' thread of conversation.
Some years back i felt i got a strong word from the Lord, i wrote in on my mirror facing me in the office (gosh he's so vain - a mirror facing him! - it was artily shattered so i cant see my face actualy)
Anyways - the word was "Gaz (god calls me gaz, not garry - cool eh) You Need To Come Home From The War"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And that was it for months - didnt know what it meant, didnt get what it was about at all, not usual for me, usually im pretty quick.
So anyways..........
My wife bought me this book for Christmas called 'the soldiers return'. I like reading war books - love war documentaries etc. My dad fought in Burma against the Japanese, which effected him and therefore our family to some degree - every one who's touched war brings a shadow home with them.
So i start reading this book, get through the first chapter and then it was gathering dust for months. End of story - or so i thought.
I realised that i had bought into a very specific part of the Christian story, that i was draw to one elment of what it means to be a believer.......... i was a soldier, i was in Gods army, i was FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT, people would fall to my left and to my right but my face was set like flint etc etc. There is a surprising amount of war and soldier language and reference points to our faith - dont you think?
Anyways - thats me to the bone - Garry is derived from Gareth which actually means 'spear bearer for the king' etc etc - the scene was set there really.
So................... part two of the word comes from someone. "gaz - if your always at war - your in danger of forgetting what it is your fighting for". then it hits me......................
I read this book for the first chapter.............. the guys in war, he has a long travel home on a boat, then a train, then a logn bot about his walk through his old village, towards his street and eventually up the steps of his home, puts his duffle bag down - turns the handle,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and,,,,,,,,, i have no idea what happened after that, because i was completely dis interested.
Actually i remember what glued it together for me - it was a random scripture someone had sent to me, it was all about their BEING PEACE IN THE LAND for many years.
I was interested in war - in the fight, but i wasnt interested in the other stuff - home doesnt make you a hero, doesnt get applauded in ministry journals, doesnt get songs written about it.
God had said 'GAZ - YOU NEED TO COME HOME FROM THE WAR'. I needed to go through a paradigm shift, a shift in values, a shift in focus.
What the heck does it mean to have peace in the land................. oh my goodness, thats what its meant to be about.........what does it mean to have peace in the land - for 'it to be well with you and yours'? Somehow, i felt God was saying that i was at risk of fighting the good fight, but forgetting what the good fight was for, that it is for literal things, thinsg that will effect my family, my home, my street. i needed to be in some of that, to relish some of that, to give myself to some of that, or i will foget the whole point of the war. We need to be embodying the promises of God - this in and of itself is testimony - and it overcomes.
A place in London has a 'tranform our city' thing going with lots of churches and organisations working to that end, christian or otherwise. their publicity serves as a good reminder that there is a life that God wants for us, not just in heaven, but here and now. Surely this is the fight?
and their i will end:
“Come to Haringey…..where our schools are over-achieving; where houses are homes and lives are whole; where it’s safe to walk the streets day and night; where racial and cultural barriers no longer divide; where Jesus is the topic of conversation in cafes and street corners; where the knowledge of the glory of God is everywhere….. pipe dream or reality?"